Human mind observes the nature instinctively and stacks, edits and organizes it. Weaving is one of most primivitive ways of organizing the materials in history and with the computational technologies, weaving regains its significance. The difference between weaving and stacking is the behavior of weaved whole is much more than the sum of its parts.

Today, the boundries in-between artificial-natural, mechanic-organic and virtual-physical are getting blurry due to the production researches from nano scale to astrophysics. We are, now, witnessing a birth of a new primitive, ‘scripting’, on know-how of 21th century. This leads to a leap of change in mechanics evolving into a socially communicative organics and generative acts of computers.

Urban-organic is a project organizes the urban nature and urban-found technologies and materials and creates new forms of inorganic lifes with new kinetics and behaviors with the digital interactions besides the behaviors of material’s physical properties. Despite the definitions of forms, there definitions of behaviors and interactions. Even the interactions and behaviors are products of computer generated weaving patterns, and possibilities are infinite. These physical forms are gathered together by artists as agents.

Team: Cemal Koray Bingöl, Deniz Tümerdem, Gamze Gündüz, Metin Şahin, Osman Koç, Nilüfer Kozikoğlu


Presence Activated Weave

pneumatic hose, arduino + dc motors, wooden box


Motion Activated  Weave

serum hose, arduino + servo motors, wooden box


Proximity Sensitive Weave

 slicon hose, arduino + servo motors, plexiglass + wooden box